Example of Defining Element Eligibility

There are a variety of ways you can use eligibility definition to configure your element behavior.

Define an On-Call Hours Element

In this example, you use element eligibility to define an "on-call hours" element that applies to multiple jobs.

  1. Complete the element template, and navigate to the Element Summary page.

  2. To make this element available to only your employees with a job title of Security Specialist or Security Manager, set up two eligibility records on the General Information tab.

    • One indicating this element is available for employees with a job title of Security Specialist

    • Another indicating this element is available for employees with a job title of Security Manager

  3. Assign different rate calculations to your Security Specialists and Security Managers.

    1. Select Input Values for each of the eligibility records you defined.

    2. For the Security Specialist eligibility record, you want to pay double their regular rate.

      Insert a default multiple of 2.

    3. For the Security Manager eligibility record, you want to pay triple their regular rate.

      Insert a default multiple of 3.

  4. Cost each "on-call hours" payment differently for each eligibility record.

    1. Select Costing for each of the eligibility records you defined.

    2. For each employee type, specify the appropriate General Ledger account number segment.