Legal Authorities for the US

A legal authority is a government or legal body charged with powers to make laws, levy and collect fees and taxes, and remit financial appropriations for a given jurisdiction.

For example, the Internal Revenue Service is the authority for enforcing federal income tax laws.

It is optional to define legal authorities for the United States. Some examples of legal authorities that you can set up include:

  • State income tax authorities

  • State unemployment authorities

  • Local income tax authorities

  • State Workers' Compensation authorities

To define legal authorities:

  1. Select Legal Authorities in the implementation project task list.

  2. Click Create.

  3. Define the legal authority.

    1. Select the Tax Authority Type based on the type of interaction.

      Typically, this would be Collecting and Reporting.

    2. Add one or more addresses.

    3. Add one or more legislative categories, such as the predefined Income Tax category.

      This establishes a link between the legal authority and all jurisdictions associated with the selected legislative category.

  4. Click Save and Close.