
Streamline the payroll processing of time card employees through expedited payroll runs. You can make immediate payments for absences, late time cards, or time card errors that an employee submits late on a time card.

You can process expedited runs only for absence and time entries that are retroactively modified on a time card and marked for expedited processing. Time card of employees that aren't marked for expedited processing are paid in the next scheduled regular payroll cycle.

When you define time and absence category elements, the application creates these value definitions for expedited processing.

  • Expedite: Determines if this time card or absence entry corresponding to prior pay period adjustment needs to be included for expedited processing.

  • Override Payment Method: Overrides the payment method on the Prepayments and QuickPay Prepayments process to Check. You can select this value only for time cards that you have marked for expedited processing.

  • Override Check Printer: Tracks the check printer for the expedited time cards that are paid through check. The application ignores the Override Check Printer value if the employee isn't paid by check.