Use a Value Set for an Element Input Value

You can use value sets to provide a dynamic list of values for an element input value. Use a value set for lists containing values that already exist in tables.

For example, person name or number, legislative data group, or payroll statutoryunit. The benefit of this approach is that you don't have to create and maintain a lookup type. Using value sets helpsmaintain consistency and accuracy in your data.

Note: The only type of value set supported for element input values is the table-based value set. Oracle Fusion Global Payroll doesn't support other value set types, such as Independent or Format Only.

Use the Manage Value Sets task in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

Create value sets using the Manage Value Sets task. You select the Table validation type to define a value set that filters values from an existing table using a SQL statement.

This table provides the required values that you enter when you create a value set for use on the Manage Elements page.




Global Payroll

Validation Type


Value Data Type


Note: To enable the Value Set field on the Manage Elements page you must select Character as the Unit of Measure for the input value.

To improve the performance of your value set queries, use these contexts to filter the value set records:

  • PayrollRelationshipId

  • PersonId

  • PayrollTermId

  • PayrollAssignmentId

  • LegDataGroupId

  • LegCode

  • SysEffectiveDate

WHERE Clause example: pay_pay_relationships_dn.payroll_relationship_id = :{PARAMETER.PayrollRelationshipId}

Note: If you use these contexts in your value set SQL, make sure the WHERE clause parameter name matches the context name.

In this example, an element contains input values for legislative data group and element name. The list of values for element name is dependent on the selected legislative data group. As part of setup, you can select a default legislative data group for the element, or for a specific element eligibility record.

In summary, here are the steps:

  • Create a value set to return a list of all legislative data groups

  • Create a value set that returns all elements in the legislative data group

  • Add the value set codes to the Manage Elements page

Create a Value Set to Return a List of all Legislative Data Groups

  1. From the Setup and Maintenance work area, search for and select the Manage Value Sets task.

  2. Click Create.

  3. Complete the fields, as shown in this table.



    Value Set Code



    Retrieve Legislative Data Groups


    Global Payroll

    Validation Type


    Value Data Type


    FROM Clause


    Value Column Name


    ID Column Name


    WHERE Clause


    Tip: To avoid failure of the value set, use IDs instead of names in case the display name changes in the future.

    ORDER BY Clause


  4. Click Save.

Create a Value Set that Returns all Elements in the Legislative Data Group

  1. On the Manage Value Sets page, click Create.

  2. Complete the fields, as shown in this table.



    Value Set Code





    Global Payroll

    Validation Type


    Value Data Type


    FROM Clause


    Value Column Name


    ID Column Name


    WHERE Clause


    Note: LDG_IP is the input value name.

    ORDER BY Clause


  3. Click Save.

Add the Value Set Codes to the Elements Page

  1. On the Home page, click the Elements quick action under the My Clients Groups tab.

  2. Create a new element to meet your requirements and then click Submit.

  3. When the Element Summary page displays, click the Input Values folder.

  4. Click Actions and then select Create Input Values.

  5. Enter the name LDG_IP and the display sequence for the input value.

  6. Select Character as the Unit of Measure.

  7. Enter LDG_VS in the Value Set field.

  8. Go to the Default field and select a legislative data group.

  9. Click Save.

  10. Click Submit.

  11. Repeat these steps to create an element input value using the ELE_VS value set.

    You can override the default values on the Element Eligibility - Input Values page for a specific eligibility record.