Voluntary Deductions for the US

Use voluntary deductions to identify deductions that an employee chooses to pay through their salary instead of making the payments directly.

The deductible amount is either a fixed amount or a percent of the total earnings during a payroll run. The payroll process considers only certain earnings when working out how much money is available to make voluntary deduction payments.

Use secondary classifications to determine how the process calculates the deduction. These are the available voluntary deduction secondary classifications.

  • Benefits After Tax

  • Deferred Compensation 401k Roth

  • Deferred Compensation 401k Roth Catch-Up

  • Deferred Compensation 403b Roth

  • Deferred Compensation 457 Roth

  • Employer Reimbursements

  • Life Insurance

  • Loans

  • Pension Plan After Tax

  • Pension Plan After Tax 403b

  • Pension Plan After Tax 457

  • Union Deductions