Add a Temporary Assignment

A temporary assignment is an assignment within the same legal employer. If an employee is being assigned a temporary global assignment you need to use the Change Legal Employer. For more information, see Change Legal Employer.

Alex Robinson has to work at a different office to help the team there streamline some processes. This assignment is expected to be temporary after which he will return to his usual assignment.

To add a temporary assignment:

  1. Retrieve (GET) the work relationship details and obtain the work relationship item link.
  2. Perform a POST operation on this URL by providing the temporary assignment details in the request body.

Example URL

Use this resource URL format.



Example Request

Here's an example of the request body in JSON format.

Provide the headers.

Content-Type : application/
REST-Framework-Version : 4
"actionCode":"TEMP_ASG" ,
"effectiveDate":"2019-06-25" ,
"businessUnitName":"Vision Central"

Example Response

Here's an example of the response body in JSON format.

"result": "E955160008191542-3"