Availability Change

The following table describes the Atom feed details published for the availabilityPatternChange collection.



Collection Name


Feed Title

Contracted or Other Availability Pattern Changed

Entry Title

Availability pattern of type <Availability type name> for <Employee's Display Name>'s assignment Number <Assignment Number> has been changed.

Example: Availability pattern of type Contracted Hours for John Doe's assignment Number 10001203 has been changed.

Entry Author

User that changed the availability.

Entry Content

"Context": [ {
  "PersonId": "<Person Id>">,
  "PersonName": "<Full display name>",
  "PersonNumber": "<Person number>",
  "AssignmentNumber": "<Assignment number>",
  "AssignmentId": "<Assignment Id>",
  "AvailabilityType": "<Availability Type Name>",
  "AvailabilityTypeId": "<Availability Type Id>",
  "AvailabilityId": "<Availability Id>",
  "Operation": "<CREATE | UPDATE | DELETE>"
} ]

The triggering operations are determined as follows:

  • Create: When a new availability pattern is defined for a worker.
  • Delete: When an availability pattern of a worker is deleted.
  • Update: Any other changes occurring on the availability such as changing start and end dates, adding, updating, or deleting shifts and breaks for both patterns and exceptions

Entry Link

Link to /AvailabilityPatterns/<AvailabilityId>

Entry Summary


  • Worker's availability created
  • Worker's availability's start date was changed
  • A shift was added to worker's availability
  • A break was added to one of the shifts of worker's availability
  • A shift was deleted
  • A break was deleted
  • Worker's availability deleted
  • An exception shift was added
  • A shift was deleted for a specific day (exception)

Entry Published Tag

When entry was created