Change a Legal Employer

Often, you need to change the legal employer for global transfers or temporary global transfers. To perform a temporary global transfer instead of a global transfer, use the action code for Global Temporary Transfer.

To end a temporary global transfer, the work relationship must be terminated. For more information, see Terminate a Work Relationship.

After a recent acquisition, there's been a reorganization and Alex Robinson's legal employer has changed from Vision Corporation to Vision City LE. Alex's legal employer needs to be changed to reflect this change.

To change the legal employer::

  1. Retrieve (GET) the work relationship details and obtain the work relationship item link.
  2. Perform a POST operation on this URL by providing the legal employer details in the request body.

Example URL

Use this resource URL format.



Example Request

Here's an example of the request body in JSON format.

Provide the headers.

Content-Type : application/
REST-Framework-Version : 4
"actionCode":"GLB_TRANSFER" ,
"effectiveDate":"2019-10-25" ,
"legalEmployerName":"Vision City LE" ,
"businessUnitName":"Vision Central"

Example Response

Here's an example of the response body in JSON format.

"result": "E955160008191542-2"