Employee Update

The following table describes the Atom feed details published for the empupdate collection.



Collection Name


Feed Title

Person Basic Information Changed

Entry Title

<Employee Display Name>'s Basic Information Updated

Example: John Flay's Basic Information Updated

Entry Author

User that updated the basic information.

Entry Content

"Context": [ {
  "PrimaryPhoneNumber": "<Primary work phone number>",
  "PersonId": "<Person Id>",
  "PersonName": "<Full display name>",
  "EffectiveStartDate": "<Effective start date>",
  "EffectiveDate" : "<Effective date of update",
  "WorkerType" : "Worker type>",
  "PeriodType" : "<Period type>",
  "PersonNumber": "<Person number>",
  "WorkEmail": "<Work email>",
  "DMLOperation" : "<DML operation>"
 } ],
"Changed Attributes": [{
  "<archive attribute1>": {
    "old": "<old value>",
    "new": "<new value>"
}, {
  "<archive attribute2>": {
    "old": "<old value>",
    "new": "<new value>"
"FlexFields" : [ {
  "FlexFieldCode" : "<Flexfield code>",
  "ContextCode" : "<Flexfield context code>",
  "Changed Attributes" : [ {
    "<archive attribute3>" : {
      "old" : "<old value>",
      "new" : "<new value>"
} ]


Changed Attributes and FlexFields are dynamic regions that display the change information for a feed. They include all the old and new values of the archive attributes defined in the event payload, as shown in the example, or new values only. In this example, archive attribute1, archive attribute2, and archive attribute3 are defined as archive attributes on the event.

For more information, see Reading an Entry.

Entry Link

Link to /workers/<ID> with reltype workers

Legacy link to /emps/<ID> with reltype emps

For more information, see Reading an Entry

Entry Summary

Event Description


  • Person Name Corrected
  • Person Name Updated
  • Person Work Email Address Updated

Entry Published Tag

When entry was created