Manage Candidates

You may be using a third-party application or tool that needs to access, create, or delete candidate records. You can use the recruitingCandidates REST service to view, create, update, and delete a candidate record from Oracle Recruiting.

In this use case, let's see how Invision Company can integrate their already existing campus hiring mobile app with Oracle Recruiting.

Let's discuss these scenarios:

  • Create a candidate record
  • Find a candidate
  • Find matching candidates
  • Update candidate information
  • Delete a candidate record

Create a Candidate Record

Rachel is in charge of the campus hiring application at Invision. Rachel would like to create a candidate record in Oracle Recruiting directly from the data entered by the recruiter or candidate.

To create a new candidate record:
  1. Perform a POST operation on the recruitingCandidates resource by providing the candidate details in the request body.
  2. Verify the details returned in the response.

Example URL

Use this resource URL format.

Example Request

Here's an example of the request body in JSON format.

            "LastName": "Hopkins",
            "MiddleNames": "William",
            "FirstName": "John",
            "Suffix": "Sr.",
            "PreNameAdjunct": "Sr",
            "KnownAs": "JH",
            "PreviousLastName": "",
            "Honors": "Highest",
            "MilitaryRank": "Private",
            "Email": ""
Example Response

Here's an example of the response body in JSON format.

            "CandidateNumber": "187476",
            "PreferredLanguage": null,
            "LastName": "Hopkins",
            "MiddleNames": "William",
            "FirstName": "John",
            "Title": null,
            "Suffix": "Sr.",
            "PreNameAdjunct": "Sr",
            "KnownAs": "JH",
            "PreviousLastName": "",
            "Honors": "Highest",
            "MilitaryRank": "Private",
            "FullName": "John William Hopkins",
            "DisplayName": "John Hopkins",
            "ListName": "Hopkins, John",
            "Email": "",
            "CampaignOptIn": null,
            "SourceMedium": null,
            "SourceName": null,
            "CandidateType": "ORA_EXTERNAL_CANDIDATE",
            "PersonId": 300100176560465,
            "CreatedBy": "JH-HOPKINS",
            "CreationDate": "2019-03-21T19:08:31.003+00:00",
            "LastUpdatedBy": "JH-HOPKINS",
            "LastUpdateDate": "2019-03-21T19:08:31.334+00:00",
            "links": [

Find a Candidate

Rachel is using the application to review a specific candidate from the day's event. To get a specific candidate, the application makes a secure query to retrieve the candidate details.

To retrieve a currently existing candidate:

  • Query (GET) the candidate using the CandidateNumber attribute.
  • Verify the details returned in the response.

Example URL

Use this resource URL format.

Example Response

Here's an example of the response body in JSON format.

            "CandidateNumber" : "92734",
            "PreferredLanguage" : null,
            "LastName" : "Mathew",
            "MiddleNames" : null,
            "FirstName" : "John",
            "Title" : null,
            "Suffix" : null,
            "PreNameAdjunct" : null,
            "KnownAs" : null,
            "PreviousLastName" : null,
            "Honors" : null,
            "MilitaryRank" : null,
            "FullName" : "Mathew, John",
            "DisplayName" : "John Mathew",
            "ListName" : "Mathew, John",
            "Email" : null,
            "CampaignOptIn" : null,
            "SourceMedium" : null,
            "SourceName" : null,
            "CandidateType" : "ORA_INTERNAL_CANDIDATE",
            "PersonId" : 100100055309271,
            "CreatedBy" : "ZFRCE1301_Duscha",
            "CreationDate" : "2017-07-26T14:47:35.049+00:00",
            "LastUpdatedBy" : "ZFRCE1301_Duscha",
            "LastUpdateDate" : "2017-07-26T14:47:35.057+00:00",
            "links": [...]

Find Matching Candidates

Rachel wants to review a list of all candidates from today's event with the last name of Hopkins. Using a GET operation, she can retrieve the candidates that match the query criteria.

To retrieve a list of all candidates that match a parameter:

  1. Query (GET) the candidates by using a query parameter such as LastName.
  2. Retrieve the collection URL for the recruitingCandidates resource to get the required details.
  3. Verify the details returned in the response.

Example URL

Use this resource URL format.

Example Response

Here's an example of the response body in JSON format.

                "items": [
                    "CandidateNumber": "2647",
                    "PreferredLanguage": null,
                    "LastName": "Hopkins",
                    "MiddleNames": null,
                    "FirstName": "Jack",
                    "Title": "MR.",
                    "Suffix": null,
                    "PreNameAdjunct": null,
                    "KnownAs": null,
                    "PreviousLastName": null,
                    "Honors": null,
                    "MilitaryRank": null,
                    "FullName": "Hopkins, Jack",
                    "DisplayName": "Jack Hopkins",
                    "ListName": "Hopkins, Jack",
                    "Email": null,
                    "CampaignOptIn": null,
                    "SourceMedium": null,
                    "SourceName": null,
                    "CandidateType": "ORA_INTERNAL_CANDIDATE",
                    "PersonId": 11143,
                    "CreatedBy": "JH-HOPKINS",
                    "CreationDate": "2019-03-21T19:08:31.003+00:00",
                    "LastUpdatedBy": "JH-HOPKINS",
                    "LastUpdateDate": "2019-03-21T19:08:31.334+00:00",
                    "links": [
                    "CandidateNumber": "28104",
                    "PreferredLanguage": null,
                    "LastName": "Hopkins",
                    "MiddleNames": null,
                    "FirstName": "Montana",
                    "Title": "MR.",
                    "Suffix": null,
                    "PreNameAdjunct": null,
                    "KnownAs": null,
                    "PreviousLastName": null,
                    "Honors": null,
                    "MilitaryRank": null,
                    "FullName": "Montana Hopkins",
                    "DisplayName": "Montana Hopkins",
                    "ListName": "Hopkins,Montana",
                    "Email": "",
                    "CampaignOptIn": null,
                    "SourceMedium": null,
                    "SourceName": null,
                    "CandidateType": "ORA_INTERNAL_CANDIDATE",
                    "PersonId": 100010026262572,
                    "CreatedBy": "JH-HOPKINS",
                    "CreationDate": "2019-03-21T19:08:31.003+00:00",
                    "LastUpdatedBy": "JH-HOPKINS",
                    "LastUpdateDate": "2019-03-21T19:08:31.334+00:00",
                    "links": [
                "links": [

Update Candidate Information

Rachel needs to update a candidate record with additional information. She wants to update the last name and email address for a candidate record.

To update a candidate record:

  1. Retrieve (GET) the candidate details and obtain the CandidateNumber link.
  2. Perform a PATCH operation on this URL by providing the LastName and Email attributes in the request body.
  3. Verify the details returned in the response.

Example URL

Use this resource URL format.


Example Request

Here's an example of the request body in JSON format.

Provide the headers.

 Content-Type : application/ 

          "LastName": "Smith",
          "Email": ""
Example Response

Here's an example of the response body in JSON format.

           "CandidateNumber": "187476",
           "PreferredLanguage": null,
           "LastName": "Smith",
           "MiddleNames": "Sir",
           "FirstName": "John",
           "Title": null,
           "Suffix": "Sr.",
           "PreNameAdjunct": "Sr",
           "KnownAs": "JH",
           "PreviousLastName": "JHH",
           "Honors": "Highest",
           "MilitaryRank": "Private",
           "FullName": "Smith, John Sir",
           "DisplayName": "John Sr Smith",
           "ListName": "Smith, John",
           "Email": "",
           "CampaignOptIn": null,
           "SourceMedium": null,
           "SourceName": null,
           "CandidateType": "ORA_EXTERNAL_CANDIDATE",
           "PersonId": 300100176560465,
           "CreatedBy": "JH-HOPKINS",
           "CreationDate": "2019-03-21T19:08:31.003+00:00",
           "LastUpdatedBy": "JH-HOPKINS",
           "LastUpdateDate": "2019-03-21T19:08:31.334+00:00",
           "links": [

Delete a Candidate Record

Rachel has been notified that someone at the event has created a duplicate candidate by incorrectly entering the email address and now needs the second record to be deleted. In this example, Rachel deletes the second record by performing a DELETE operation.

To delete a currently existing candidate:

  1. Query the database using the query parameter CandidateNumber (for example, /recruitingCandidates?q=CandidateNumber=187476) to identify the candidate record to be deleted.
  2. Perform a DELETE operation on the URL for the specific candidate record. You don't need a payload for this operation.
  3. Verify that the candidate record is deleted.

Example URL

Use this resource URL format.

Example Response

Here's an example of the response body in JSON format.

  204 - No Content