Retrieve List of Tasks

This is the first step in the sequence of processing steps that the REST API client executes. The client retrieves a list of HCM tasks (a page of tasks if pagination is applied) by making a call to the BPM Tasks API.

The response includes various task attributes and links such as:

  • title: Displayable title for the task.
  • identificationKey: Unique identifier for a task in HCM for subsequent usage in HCM APIs. Depending on the type of task it may be one the following:
    • HCM transaction ID
    • Alert notification ID
    • Absence request ID
    • Time record group ID
  • Canonical link and ID number: Internal identifier for the BPM task which is used in canonical links to individual tasks.

To retrieve the list of HCM tasks:

  1. Query the tasks by performing a GET operation on the BPM tasks resource using the applicationContext parameter. Specify the value as hcm.

    By default, all the open HCM tasks assigned to the user are returned.

  2. Perform one of these steps as appropriate.
  3. Note the task identification keys returned in the response.

Example URL

The following is the format of the resource URL.



Example Response

The following is an example of the response body in JSON format.


 "count": 7,
 "items": [
      "title": "Manager Changed for Monica Pearson, 955169008167340 (2017-12-07)",
      "identificationKey": "300100155148545",
      "number": 214878
       "title": "Approval of ZOTL Vacation Absence Request for Todd Connors from 2018-02-26 to 2018-02-26",
       "identificationKey": "300100155148633",
       "number": 215362
       "title": "Compliance alert - no time entry found for Susan King from 2018-02-15 to 2018-02-16",
       "identificationKey": "ALERT:300100161296970",
       "number": 215374
       "title": "Compliance alert - no time entry found for Susan King from 2018-02-20 to 2018-02-21",
       "identificationKey": "ALERT:300100161297000",
       "number": 215502
        "title": "Approval of Unpaid leave Absence Request for Jennifer Evert from 2018-04-02 to 2018-04-04",
        "identificationKey": "300100164583390",
        "number": 217200
        "title": "Changed Personal Information for Tim Burton, 955169008170384 with an effective start date of 2017-12-08",
        "identificationKey": "300100164583394",
        "number": 217204
        "title": "Time Card Approval for Martin Rhodes for 2018-04-08",
        "identificationKey": "300100164599768",
        "number": 217206