Set up Custom Roles

Here are some examples to help you understand how to set up custom roles with appropriate set of privileges for different users to access the workers API.

Manage Direct Reports as a Line Manager

Let's say that John is a line manager who needs to manage his direct reports and access his personal information using the workers API. John needs the appropriate duty roles assigned to his Line Manager and Employee roles for the required data access.

Role Setup

Line Manager

Assign the duty role that provides access to all the person and employment objects, that line managers require to manage their reports using the workers REST API. The security profile assigned to the abstract role provides data access for the role.


Assign the duty role that provides access to all the person objects, that employees require to access their personal information using the workers REST API. The security profile assigned to the abstract role provides data access for the role.

Custom roles setup for line manager.

View Worker Information as a Human Resources Representative

Let's say that Kathy is a Human Resources Help Desk representative who needs to view (read only) worker information using the workers REST API. Kathy needs the appropriate duty roles assigned to her Human Resources Help Desk role for the required data access.

Role Setup

Human Resources Help Desk

Assign the duty role that provides read only access to workers REST API to retrieve all the workers information but not manage person and employment data. The security profile assigned to the custom data role provides data access for the role.

Custom roles setup for HR specialist.

Manage Workers as an Integration Specialist

Let's say that Brian is an integration specialist who needs to create and manage workers using the workers REST API without accessing sensitive and PII data. Brian needs the appropriate duty roles and function privileges assigned to his Integration Specialist - w/o PII role for the required data access.

Role Setup

Integration Specialist - w/o PII

Assign the duty role that provides access to the workers REST API to create, retrieve, and manage all the workers data except PII and sensitive details. The security profile assigned to the custom data role provides data access for the role.

Custom roles setup for integration specialist.

Manage Self Service Information as an Employee

Let's say that Betty is an employee who needs to manage her self-service information such as home email using the workers REST API. Betty needs the appropriate duty role and data privilege assigned to her Employee role for the required data access.

Role Setup


Assign the duty role that provide access to all person objects, that employees require to manage self-service information using the workers REST API. Additionally, assign the privilege to manage home email to the role since the predefined duty role Use REST Service - Worker as Worker allows the employee to only view the home email, but not update it. The security profile assigned to the abstract role provides data access for the role.

Custom roles setup for employee.