Configure Global Settings

You can configure reward points, core values, and program images. The rules that you define here apply to all programs.

Click Navigator > My Client Groups >Show More> Configure Global Settings. You can find the page under the Celebrate section.

You can configure these key aspects:

Reward Points

You can configure the recognition program to send rewards points along with each recognition. Employees can’t redeem the points they receive. If your organization doesn't use reward points in recognitions, you can deselect the Reward Points option. If reward points are enabled for a program, each employee receives 200 points per month to recognize others.

Redeem Points

You can emable the Redeem Points option to have employees convert their reward points to cash. They'll receive the equivalent amount in their next paycheck. You need to select the currency to which you want the points to be converted and enter the conversion rate. For example, you can select USD as the currency and 2 as the conversion rate to indicate that 2 points are equivalent to 1 USD. Also, select a payroll element or click Add Payroll Element. After the conversion, the equivalent amount is paid through element entries

Core Values

Core values are the fundamental principles and beliefs of an organization. In Celebrate, you can enable employees to recognize core values that their colleagues exhibit. When you define core values here, they’re available to all programs you create.

Program Images

A program image provides visual appeal to a recognition message that your employees can send to their colleagues. Apart from the images shipped with the product, you can even upload your own. When you define images here, they’re available to all programs you create