Create a Predefined Audience Using Eligibility Profiles

You can use either eligibility profiles or filtered lists to create predefined audiences for employee communication campaigns.

Campaign managers can then use these predefined audiences to maintain control and oversight of the requisite audience for a particular communication. The employee list you generate using an eligibility profile has default filters applied automatically. They are employees or contingent workers, and the primary assignment only. This means that the eligibility profile you use to create a predefined audience will include the primary assignments of employees or contingent workers only.

Before you start

You need the Campaign Administrator role.

Here's what to do

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to:
    1. Offering: HCM Communicate
    2. Functional Area: Employee Communications
    3. Task: Manage Predefined Audience Criteria
  2. On the Manage Predefined Audience Criteria page, click Create and select Create Participant Profile.
  3. On the Create Participant Eligibility Profile page, enter the following info in the Eligibility Profile Definition section:
    • Name: Enter a name for the eligibility profile.
    • Profile Type: This is prefixed as Participant.
    • Profile Usage: Determines the type of objects you can associate with the profile. Select Employee Communications or Global. Selecting Global makes the profile available to multiple business process usages.
    • Description: Enter a description for the eligibility profile.
    • Assignment to Use: This is prefixed as Specific assignment. This will take into consideration all employees who are permanent, on contract, or both.
    • Status: Set it to active so that campaign managers can select this predefined audience when creating an employee communication campaign.
  4. In the Eligibility Criteria section, select eligibility criteria and sub criteria. Define the sequence, name, whether you want to exclude the criteria from eligibility, and the criteria start and end dates.
  5. Click Save and Close.

What to do next

You can use predefined audiences when creating a communication team.