Add Alternative Contact Details

Set a preference for a communication team to use alternative contact details for email and mobile phone. These alternative details help members of this communication team if they're responsible for messaging employees that don't have work email or work mobiles.

Before you start

Ensure the administrator sets the ORA_IRC_COMMUNICATE_CONTACT_PREFERENCE profile option to Yes at the site level. This profile option displays the Contact Order Preference section in the Communication Teams page where you can add, delete, and reorder email and SMS preferences. Check your security and privacy policies to ensure you're using fields that are approved by your organization as contact methods. You need the campaign administrator role.

You can set up more contact details and an order of preference for a communication team. The preference order of the contact details determines the order in which the campaign sends a communication. For example, set the order of preference for email to Work, Home, and then Campus. When sending an email communication, the application would look for each employee's work email first, and if they don't have a work email address configured, it would look for their home email and then their campus email.

Here's what to do

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to:
    1. Offering: HCM Communicate
    2. Functional Area: Employee Communications
    3. Task: Manage Communication Teams
  2. Add up to 3 different email addresses and up to 3 different mobile phone preferences for each communication team in the Contact Order Preference section.
    The different types of email and SMS available are configured in core HR.