Create the Questionnaire for a Touchpoints Survey

You create the questionnaire used in a Touchpoints survey by using the Questionnaires application. Here are a few points to consider while creating it:

  • Before creating a questionnaire, you need to create a questionnaire template. The subscriber name must be Touchpoints.
  • By default, a predefined questionnaire template, Touchpoints Pulse Survey Template, and a questionnaire, Touchpoints Pulse Survey Questionnaire, are available for use, with a sample question that you can edit.
  • Always ensure that you select the scoring option for both the questionnaire and the question. Define question scoring according to your business needs.
    Note: If you don’t score the questionnaire, scores won’t be calculated and the pulse survey graph can’t be plotted.

Here's how you create the questionnaire for a Touchpoints survey:

  1. Go to the Setup and Maintenance work area, and select these options:
    • Setup: Workforce Development
    • Functional Area: Questionnaires
    • Task: Questionnaires
  2. Select the Touchpoints subscriber. You'll see the predefined questionnaire, Touchpoints Pulse Survey Questionnaire, in Draft status, with a sample question. You can either make a copy of this questionnaire, or create a new one.
    To create a new questionnaire, search for the questionnaire template, Touchpoints Pulse Survey Template, and create it based on this template.
  3. On the Create Questionnaire page or Edit Questionnaire page, specify the details as per your business needs in the respective fields. A few points to note:
    1. It’s recommended that you select the overall score calculation rule as Sum.
    2. Set the status of the questionnaire to Active.
    3. The Score Questionnaire checkbox is selected by default, because this is based on the Touchpoints template. Leave this checkbox selected.
    4. Select a pagination option from the Display Format list. If you choose to display one section per page, section instructions, if any, appear below the section title. When you display all questions on a single page, questionnaire instructions and section instructions appear below the respective titles.
  4. Click Next.
  5. In the Questions section, you'll see a default question that’s available as part of the template. You can edit this question and create more questions that you need. Ensure that each question that you create is scored.
  6. After you’ve added the questions that you need, click Next.
  7. Click Preview to view the questionnaire.
    Note: If you’ve chosen to display the answer options for single-choice and multiple-choice questions as a set of horizontal buttons, these answer options appear in a drop-down list when you preview the questionnaire in an application that's not based on VBCS. However, when you view the survey in the Journeys application, you can see the horizontal buttons and the question display format that you’ve chosen.
  8. Click Save and Close.