Employees - Modify a Check-In

When your manager schedules a check-in with you, you'll receive an email notification a few days before the scheduled date, depending on the nudge configuration. You can then modify the check-in by adding your own notes to the discussion topics. You can also add your own custom discussion topics or choose from recommended topics.

Modifying a Touchpoints Check-In

You can also view and modify past or future check-ins. To modify a check-in, double-click it from the Events and interactions section.

While modifying a Touchpoints check-in, you can do these:

  • View the details for goal and feedback-related discussion topics.
  • Add or edit discussion topics.
  • Add notes or edit the ones that you added.
  • Mark discussion topics as complete.
  • Delete a discussion topic only if:
    • You created it.
    • It has notes that only you added to it.
    • It's not marked as discussed.
  • Change the check-in date.
  • You can add insights discussion topics only while modifying upcoming check-ins.
  • You can delete a check-in only if you created it and it doesn’t have any notes that others added to any of its discussion topics. But it can have notes that you added to its discussion topics. Additionally, the check-in shouldn't contain any discussion topics that are marked as discussed.

Modifying a Performance Check-In

You can update a Performance check-in from Touchpoints by:
  • Changing the check-in date
  • Adding or removing custom or recommended discussion topics
  • Adding notes to discussion topics
  • Marking topics as discussed

You can also delete a Performance check-in. These changes are reflected in Performance Management as well.