Explore Your Career Path

Viewing your career progression path can help you to plan for your career growth. The career details page displays your career progression path and the qualifications, skills, and competencies needed for each of the careers on that path.

To view the career details page from Grow, click the Explore your career path button on the side panel.
Note: This button is available only if your HR specialist has set up a position profile or job profile for you.

The career details page displays details for your current role depending on these criteria:

  • If you have both position and job profiles associated with your role, the page displays details related to your position.
  • If you have no position profile associated with your role but a job profile associated, the page displays details related to your job.
It displays these details for your current role:
  • Skills and competencies associated with your position or job.
  • Resources available to address skill gaps, if any.
  • Learning resources for your position or job.
  • Gigs, job recommendations, and connections related to your position or job.

If you don’t have either a job profile or position profile associated, you can’t view the career details page. You’ll see the business title for your assignment displayed on the side panel. If you have multiple job assignments, you’ll see the business title for your primary job assignment.

View Your Career Progression Path

The career details page displays your career progression path if it has been defined in the job or position details of that career. This path lists the next three jobs in the progression hierarchy of the career. Note that you can see only a single progression path for a career.

Apart from your current role, the other career names shown on the career progression path depends on whether an active job profile or position profile is associated with the career.

Explore Your Careers of Interest

When you click the Careers of interest link on the side panel, you can view the Explore Careers page. Here you can see your career progression path similar to the career details page.

You can add one or more careers from the career progression path to your careers of interest. You can also search for job roles and get job recommendations related to your careers of interest.