Send Feedback

Sending timely feedback on an employee's work performance improves overall productivity. You can send feedback to your direct reports and dotted-line reports.

To get started, click the Employees tab on the Touchpoints landing page and select an employee. Next, select the Send Feedback option from the Actions menu, or click the Send Feedback button, if it appears as a recommended action in the Recommendations for you panel.

While sending feedback, you can add attachments to support your comments. You can also set the feedback visibility to one of these:

  • Everyone
  • Managers only
  • Managers and employee
  • Only me
  • Only employee and me

You can also send a thank you note to anyone who gave feedback to a team member.

To send a thank you note, double-click the feedback from the Events and interactions section and select the Send Thank You option from the Actions menu.

Note: You can send a thank you note only if the alert notification template, Manager/HR Thanks Anytime Feedback Provider, which is part of the Anytime Feedback Provided alert, is enabled in Alerts Composer.