Understand How Your Teams Use Oracle Celebrate

You can use the dashboards to get insights into how your teams use Oracle Celebrate.

These dashboards are useful to track, analyze, and enhance the recognition and awards culture within an organization:

  • Overview
  • Employees
  • Awards

Oracle Celebrate Dashboard Pages

Page Name Description Navigation


This is the main page and provides an at-a-glance summary of recognition activities within the team, such as the total number of recognitions given and received. Also, you can send awards to employees from this page.

It offers a visual representation of trends in recognition activity over the past 12 months through graphs. This data can help identify seasonal trends or changes in engagement.

The page highlights the core values that are most frequently associated with received and sent recognitions. This data helps identify which values are most emphasized within the team.

A leaderboard displays employees who have received the highest number of recognitions. This encourages healthy competition and motivates team members to recognize each other more frequently.

The overview page also includes a section dedicated to awards. It shows the count of awards that are sent and received by employees and shows trends in award activity over the past 12 months through graphs.

To switch views between the main team and sub-teams, click the Switch Team button and select the direct report to view the insight of their team.

Click Navigator > My Team > Show More > Team Overview.
Employees The employees page shows a list of the team members with different filters and sorting options. From this page, you can recognize your team members or send awards. You can also drill down to a summary page to see individual employee information. Click Navigator > My Team > Show More > Team Overview. Navigate to the Employees page from the Overview page.
Awards The award page shows a list of the awards received by your team with different filters and sorting options. Click Navigator > My Team > Show More > Team Overview. Navigate to the Awards page from the Overview page.