Understand Your Engagement

On your Touchpoints page, you can review your current and past pulse scores for pulse surveys that you’ve taken.

To view this page, go to Me > Touchpoints.

The pulse scores on this page are displayed over a period that matches the analysis period configured in the survey definition. The pulse score data is displayed for as many days as in the pulse survey frequency. For example, if the analysis period is 4 weeks, and you’re assigned a weekly survey, you can see the pulse scores for each week over the 4-week period.

From here, you can view a timeline of events and interactions with your manager and others in the organization. This includes past and upcoming check-ins, feedback that you’ve received and that's shared with you, and celebration cards that you’ve received. You can also see performance check-ins that are scheduled using Performance Management.
Note: You can’t view feedback or celebrations you’ve given to others in your timeline.

Another key feature of this page is the Recommendations for you panel, which lists recommended actions that encourage interactions with your direct manager to achieve overall increased engagement. These recommended actions, when configured by the administrator in the Nudge Configuration work area, include the following:

  • Schedule a check-in with your manager
  • Prepare for an upcoming check-in with your manager
  • Discuss performance goals that are at risk of delay with your manager
  • Take a survey that has been assigned
  • Provide feedback to colleagues or managers
  • Send celebratory messages to colleagues or managers

When you add a discussion topic to a check-in, the discussion topic is added to any existing check-in that’s coming up within the next 7 days. If there’s no check-in scheduled within the next 7 days, it's added to a new check-in.

You can dismiss these recommendations by clicking the Dismiss icon next to the recommended action button.