View Your Team Interactions

To view the latest pulse scores and upcoming check-in dates of your direct reports and dotted-line reports, go to My Team > Touchpoints. Next, click the Employees tab.

The list of employees that appears on the Employees page pertains to the manager who's currently selected on the Summary page. For each employee, these details are displayed:
  • The role name related to the assignment. If an employee has multiple assignments, their name is repeated for each assignment, along with a different role name.
  • The latest pulse score of the survey selected on the Summary page. The pulse score is defined and calculated through the scoring option set on the survey questionnaire.
  • A 7-day trend next to the score.
You can use the Switch Team button on the Employees page to view the employee data for a different manager. However, if you select the Summary tab next, the data on the Summary page pertains to the manager already selected on that page. It doesn't pertain to the manager that you changed on the Employees page.
Note: A matrix manager can switch to a dotted-line report's team. If this report happens to be a matrix manager, data related to engagement metrics, pulse scores, and check-in statuses is displayed for that team as well. A manager can drill down to the furthest level in the matrix or direct line hierarchy. The organization hierarchy is displayed as breadcrumbs on the Switch team panel.

You can use the Sort By option on the Employees page to sort the list based on the ascending or descending order of employee names, highest or lowest pulse scores, or upcoming or furthest check-ins.

Interactions with Individual Employees

Selecting an employee’s name on the Employees page takes you to their Touchpoints page. On this page, both managers and matrix managers can view all the following data for all their reports, except that the Recommendations for you panel isn't available for dotted-line reports.

Pulse score chart

You can see the past and current pulse scores for the employee over a period of time, which depends on the survey frequency and analysis period configured in the survey definition. For example, consider the scenarios below:

  • If the survey frequency is daily and the analysis period is 2 weeks, scores are displayed for the past 14 days.
  • If the survey frequency is weekly and the analysis period is set to 4 weeks or 1 month, scores are displayed for the past 4 weeks.
  • If the survey frequency is monthly and the analysis period is 4 months, scores are displayed for the past 4 months.
  • If the survey frequency is yearly and the analysis period is for 5 years, scores are displayed for the past 5 years.
  • If the survey frequency is set to a specific frequency, for example, every alternate day, and the analysis period is set to 1 month, scores are displayed for 15 days over the past month.
Note: The x-axis on the pulse score comparison chart shows the survey end date for each frequency.

Events and interactions

Here, all the past interactions and upcoming check-ins for the employee appear in a timeline view. Past interactions include check-in meetings scheduled between you and the employee, and anytime feedback, requested feedback, and celebration messages received from you and others. This timeline displays data for three months in the past and in the future. This data also includes performance check-ins scheduled using Performance Management.

Recommendations for you

This panel that lists recommended actions that encourage interactions with the employee to achieve overall increased engagement. These recommended actions, when configured by the administrator using the Nudge Configuration work area, include the following:

  • Schedule a check-in with the employee
  • Celebrate the employee’s personal milestones and achievements
  • Provide feedback to the employee
  • Prepare for an upcoming check-in
  • Discuss performance goals that are at risk of delay with the employee
  • Discuss pulse survey scores and survey response rates

You can dismiss these recommendations by clicking the Dismiss icon next to the recommended action button.