Archive Transaction Console Completed Transactions Process

Archiving completed approval transactions can improve the performance of the Transaction Console.

Run the Archive Transaction Console Completed Transactions scheduled process to archive completed approval transactions. You need to have the Run Approval Transactions Archive Process privilege to run this process.

Criteria for Execution

The Archive Transaction Console Completed Transactions scheduled process uses these criteria to determine the approval transactions to archive:

  • Archive period: The completion date of a transaction needs to be greater than the archive period specified for that transaction specified on the Approval Rules tab of the Transaction Console.
  • Tasks purged: All the tasks of a transaction must have been purged.
  • Status: The transaction needs to be in Completed state.


You can provide values for these 2 parameters for the Archive Transaction Console Completed Transactions scheduled process:

  • Days: Specify the archive period in days. The value you enter will override the archive period value of the processes. This field is disabled by default. Set the value of the HRC_ARCHIVE_DAYS_SHOW profile option to true to enable entering values into this field.
  • Processes: A list of values to select processes for archiving.

If you don’t specify values for these parameters, then the Archive Transaction Console Completed Transactions scheduled process uses these default values:

  • Days: The archive period specified for transactions on the Approval Rules tab of the Transaction Console.
  • Processes: All processes on the Approval Rules tab for which the archive period selected isn’t Don't Archive.