Content Section Properties

Content sections are sections in a profile, person or model, containing profile items. The properties for the content sections are configured under the profile type. Content section properties are attributes that are used to define data included in a profile. Use the Manage Profile

Attributes of Content Section Properties

The following table displays a list of attributes that you can set for each content section property that you included for a content section.



Default Value

Value that appears by default for the content section property on the profile


Determines if the content section property is displayed on the profile. If yes, then whether the property is displayed on the content section summary, content section details area, or both


Label for the content section property displayed on the profile when the property is included within a content section


Determines if the user is required to enter a value for the property


Determines if the content section property name must be included in profile searches

Value Set Name

Name of the lookup type or a predefined value set that provides values for the content section property. You specify a lookup type for properties ITEM_TEXT30_6 to ITEM_TEXT30_15. The value set is already defined for a predefined content section property, if applicable. For custom content types, you can specify only a lookup type as the value for this attribute

View Attribute

Specifies the attribute in the predefined value set that provides the list of values for a content section property. You enter a value for this attribute only for predefined content section properties and when you mention a predefined value set in the Value Set Name attribute. The view attribute is already defined for a predefined content section property, if applicable. You can't use this attribute for custom content types

Note: The functionality associated with the Searchable attribute isn't available for use in the application.

Content Section Properties List

The following table describes a list of content section properties that appear on the pages with a profile item that belongs to the content section.

Content Section Property



The country ID associated with the profile item. Ensure that the value of the Value Set Name attribute is CountryPVO and View Attribute attribute is GeographyName, where CountryPVO is the name of the value set and GeographyName is the attribute in the CountryPVO value set that provides a list of values for the COUNTRY_ID property


The start date information of a content section. This property is used for maintaining the history of profile items and isn't recommend to be displayed on the UI


The end date information of a content section. This property is used for maintaining the history of profile items and isn't recommend to be displayed on the UI


Any date. Use these properties to enter dates for profile items


Numeric data that includes decimals. For example, price USD 2.99


Numeric data that doesn't include decimals. For example, age 29 years


Data that requires selecting values from a check box


Data that requires selecting values from a list. Ensure that the value of the Value Set Name attribute is a lookup type. For example, HRT_RISK_REASON is a lookup type for selecting risk of loss reasons

ITEM_TEXT_240_1 to ITEM_TEXT_240_15

A simple text string, such as a name. Each property can store up to 240 characters of data. If the ITEM_TEXT_240_1 property is used in:

  • A predefined free-form content type, you can't enter duplicate data for this property for a profile item

  • A custom free-form content type, you can enter duplicate data for this property for a profile item

  • A predefined or custom content type that aren't free-form, you can't enter duplicate data for this property for a content item

ITEM_TEXT2000_1 to ITEM_TEXT2000_5

Long text data, such as a comment. Each property can store up to 2000 characters of data


The priority of the content section. The value of this property is used in the best-fit algorithm


The level of interest. This property is added to the Competency content section. The value of this property is based on the Interest Rating Model and is automatically generated for a profile item


Whether the item in a content type is required or not. This property is used by content types that are added to the Job profile type. Ensure that the value of the Value Set Name attribute is YES_NO. If added to a content type, the label for this property, is displayed as a check box column for content items within the content type for a job profile. The default label for this property is Required


The instance qualifier information assigned to the profile content section. To uniquely identify different instances of competencies, you must not modify the predefined value of the QUALIFIER_ID1 and QUALIFIER_ID2 properties for the Competency content section included in the Person profile type


The last updated date of the content section. The value of this property is automatically generated for a profile item


The rating level information of a profile content section


The rating model information of a profile content section. The RATING_MODEL_ID1 property is used for storing the rating model information for the Competencies content section associated with a job or person profile type. The default value for this property is Proficiency Rating Model


The state ID associated with the profile item. This property is used in conjunction with the COUNTRY_ID property. Ensure that the value of the Value Set Name attribute is StateProvincePVO and View Attribute is GeographyName, where StateProvincePVO is the name of the value set and GeographyName is the attribute in the StateProvincePVO value set that provides a list of values for the STATE_PROVINCE_ID property

  • For content sections associated with free-form content types, the values of the properties CONTENT_TYPE_ID and DATE_FROM are automatically generated for a profile and should not be modified.

  • For content sections associated with content types that aren't free-form, the values of the properties CONTENT_TYPE_ID, CONTENT_ITEM_ID, and DATE_FROM are automatically generated for a profile and should not be modified.

  • The SOURCE_ID property isn't used by the application and can be ignored.