Define Filters

If you have the required privileges to access REST resources, you can define filters on specific resources and set the triggering criteria for notifications.

Use the Filters tab for defining filters on Resource alerts. You can define multiple filters on a resource by adding filter expressions for specific attributes. For example, you can define filters on the workers resource and its child resources for location, organization, legal entity, and so on.

Use the predefined alerts utility date functions where applicable. To retrieve the current date, use the Alerts utility function AlertFilterUtils.getCurrentDate. To retrieve date for n number of days added to the current date, use the AlertFilterUtils.addDays(AlertFilterUtils.getCurrentDate(),n) utility function.

For example ${resource.assignedDate} = ${AlertFilterUtils.getCurrentDate()} or ${resource.assignedDate} = ${AlertFilterUtils.addDays(AlertFilterUtils.getCurrentDate(),10)}

To filter records that were already processed in previous alert runs, use the Alerts utility function AlertFilterUtils.getAlertLastRunDate() as the filter criteria.

It's recommended that you define filters to process data in smaller logical sets for better performance. For example, you can define additional filters to logically group data. You can also define filters on attributes such as Legal Entity, Location, or Department to process notifications for specific organizations in separate runs, instead of processing for all organizations in a single run.