Example of Modifying an Approval Notification Using Page Composer

You may sometimes want to modify an approval notification.

This example demonstrates how to do this. You received a notification in your worklist to approve a transaction involving creation of a grade. You can add a comment for the subsequent approvers and attach a document to the notification, listing the existing grades and their descriptions. You also want to make changes to certain notification components.

The following table summarizes key decisions for this scenario.

Decisions to Consider

In this Example

Display the Edit Grade Details link?

No, hide the region containing the link.

Display a screenshot of the Grade Creation page?

Yes, add a link to the screenshot in the Details region

Change the notification header?

Yes, change from "Create Grade <Grade Name>, <Grade Code>, <Effective Date>" to "Created New Grade"

Change the Effective Start Date label?

Yes, change to Grade Effective Date

Highlight the Grade Effective Date?

Yes, display the date in bold

Making Changes Using the Design View

  1. Click the Edit button on the top right corner of the notification page.

  2. The Design view appears by default. Click the Edit icon in the Related Links region.

  3. In the Display Options tab, deselect Show Component and click Apply. You can see that the Related Links region disappears. Click OK to confirm.

  4. Click the Add Content button below the page header.

  5. Click the Open link in the ADF Faces Components row.

  6. Click the Add link in the Image row. An Image region is added in the notification.

  7. Click the Edit icon in the Image region and provide the URL of the screenshot in the Destination field. The image now includes a link to the screenshot. Move the image region to the end of the Details region.

Making Changes Using the Source View

  1. Click the View dropdown button on the top of the page and select Source to change from Design to Source view.

  2. Click the page header to select the panelHeader component. Click Edit to open the Component Properties window.

  3. In the Text field, click Select Text Resource. Create a text resource and enter the Display Value Created New Grade. Select this text resource and click OK. The page header is now changed.

  4. Select the Effective Start Date field in the Transaction Details region. A warning message appears indicating that the changes will be applied to all instances wherever the task flow is used. Click Edit and follow the same steps as in the previous step to change the label to Grade Effective Date.

  5. Click the Content Style tab in the Component Properties window.

  6. Select the Font Style as bold. The date now displays in bold.

  7. Click Save to apply all the changes.