How You Use Nudges to Assign Journeys for Employment Events

You can configure a nudge that automatically assigns a journey for specific employment events.

You configure nudges for the Human Resources module in the Nudge Configuration work area. The following table lists the nudges that you can configure:
Reason to Nudge Purpose of Nudge
Employee's contract end date is approaching Assign a journey to the recipient when the employee’s contract end date is approaching
Employee's probation period end date is approaching Assign a journey to the recipient when the employee’s probation end date is approaching
Employee's retirement date is approaching

Assign a journey to the recipient when the employee’s retirement date is approaching.

After you configure a nudge, the Process HCM Nudges ESS job evaluates active nudges and identifies the population to whom the journey needs to be assigned.

Points to Note

A few points to remember when configuring nudges:
  • Nudges for the predefined employment actions are evaluated only for the primary assignment of a worker.
  • When a nudge is processed, the effective date in the system is considered. It’s not based on the ESS job run date. The following dates are considered for the events:
    • Contract end date
    • Probation end date
    • Retirement date
  • After a journey is assigned for an event and there’s a change in the contract, probation, or retirement date, the journey assignment is reevaluated and reassigned again. The already assigned journey isn’t automatically removed.