How You Use Questionnaires to Create General Surveys

Use questionnaires to create stand-alone, generic surveys that aren’t linked to specific HCM product flows such as performance or recruiting. For example, you can create an organization-wide annual survey to gather employee feedback on specific organization functions or create an end-of-project survey to understand customer satisfaction levels.

To create a general survey questionnaire, define a questionnaire template with the subscriber as General Surveys, and then create the questionnaire based on the template. While creating the template and the questionnaire, select the folder as General Surveys.

When creating general surveys, you can use all the features of questionnaires such as conditional questions, questions with images, or questions with text or date type of responses. After creating the questionnaire, you use REST APIs for accessing it and publishing it to specific participants.

Using REST APIs to Manage General Surveys and Responses

Use the existing questionnaire REST API resource to read and manage questionnaires, questions, and answers for general surveys. In addition, use these REST API resources to manage the responses to general surveys:

  • questionnaireParticipants

  • questionnaireResponses (child resource of questionnaireParticipants)

  • questionResponses (child resource of questionnaireParticipants)

Using the API resources, you can do these:
  • Create a questionnaire for the General Survey subscriber.
  • Access the questionnaire to review the questionnaire setup.
  • Post responses to the questionnaire and update them.
  • Retrieve responses from the questionnaire and view them.
Note: While these APIs allow for setting up questionnaires and posting responses to store them in HCM Cloud, publishing the survey to specific employees is not within their scope. The user interface to publish the survey and collect individual inputs from employees is also external to HCM Cloud.

Secure responses posted to general surveys using a person security profile. You can only access responses from participants that you have access to, through their person security profile.

You must have these security privileges to perform specific operations on the questionnaire Participants REST API:

Security Privilege Supported Operations
  • GET
  • GET
  • POST