Position Hierarchy Approval-Rule Attributes

When you define approval policies using the Manage Approval Transactions for Human Capital Management task, you can create one or more approval rules for a specified position hierarchy.


The following table summarizes the attributes of the position-hierarchy approval rules and their default values.

Attribute Name



Default Value

Action Type

Allows users to choose from Approval required (participants need to act on the transaction), Information only (participants get FYI notifications), and Automatic approval (participants do not need to act, transaction is auto approved).

  • Approval required

  • Information only

  • Automatic approval

Approval required

Job Level

  • The number of job levels. Approvals are routed to approvers between the initial and topmost approvers in the position hierarchy based on this value.

  • You can specify the job levels as absolute values (for example, a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 4). Alternatively, you can specify the values relative to either the initial approver or the requester. The requester is the person who submits the transaction.

  • Approval routing stops when either the number of job levels or the topmost approver is reached, whichever is sooner.

Minimum and maximum values relative to:

  • Initial approver

  • Requester

Absolute minimum and maximum values

At most 1 relative to initial approver

At least 1 relative to initial approver

Position Hierarchy

  • The name of the position hierarchy

  • You can select from all position hierarchies in the enterprise

All position hierarchies in the enterprise


Starting Position

  • The position of the first approver

  • The approval notification is sent to all workers who have the position, and the transaction is approved by the first worker to approve

All positions in the selected position hierarchy


Job Level

  • The number of job levels. Approvals are routed to approvers between the initial and topmost approvers in the position hierarchy based on this value.

  • You can specify the job levels as absolute values (for example, a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 4). Alternatively, you can specify the values relative to either the initial approver or the requester. The requester is the person who submits the transaction.

  • Approval routing stops when either the number of job levels or the topmost approver is reached, whichever is sooner.

Minimum and maximum values relative to:

  • Initial approver

  • Requester

Absolute minimum and maximum values

At most 1 relative to initial approver

At least 1 relative to initial approver

Top Position

  • The position of the topmost approver

  • The approval notification is sent to all workers who have the position, and the transaction is approved by the first worker to approve

  • Approval routing stops when either the number of levels or the topmost approver is reached, whichever is sooner

All positions in the selected position hierarchy



Allows users to choose which approvers to include.

  • All Approvers

  • First and last approvers

  • Last approver only

All approvers