Set Up Parallel Approvals in Transaction Console

You can use parallel approvals when more than one approver needs to approve the transaction.

There are 2 ways to set up parallel approvals:

  • First Responder Wins: The response of the approver who responds first serves as the response for all approvers for the transaction. After the first response is received, pending approval notifications are immediately removed from the worklist of other approvers.
  • Vote Outcome: Here you specify the approval percentage and rejection percentage. For example, if you specify the approval percentage as 75 and if there are 4 approvers, then the transaction is approved if 3 approvers approve the transaction.
  1. Go to Tools > Transaction Console. Or use the Manage Approval Transactions for Human Capital Management task in the Setup and Maintenance work area.
  2. Click the Approval Rules tab.
  3. Search for and select the rule for which you want to set up parallel approvals.
  4. Ensure that Bypass Approvals is disabled for the rule.
  5. Click the Configure Rules icon for the rule.
  6. Click Edit Approval Participants.
  7. On the next page, open the rule.
  8. Select the Approvers icon.
  9. Scroll down the page and select the approval type as PARALLEL.
  10. Configure the approval method:
    • To allow the response of the first responder to determine the outcome of the approval request, select the First Responder Wins check box.
    • To specify the percentage of approvers who need to approve the request:

      1. Clear the First Responder Wins check box.
      2. Specify percentage of approvers who need to approve in the Vote Outcome Approve field.
      3. Specify percentage of approvers who need to reject in the Vote Outcome Reject field.
      4. Select the default outcome for the transaction when both the vote outcome conditions aren’t met.
  11. Click Submit.