Tree Version Audit Results

Use the tree version audit results to verify the tree version's correctness and data integrity. The audit results include the following details:

  • The name of the validator, which is a specific validation check

  • The result of the validation, including a detailed message

  • Corrective actions to take if there are any validation errors

Running an Audit

An audit automatically runs whenever a tree version is set to active. You can also manually trigger an audit on the Manage Trees and Tree Versions page, using Actions > Audit. If you run an audit on a tree version, which is in Draft status, and want to change the status to Active after the audit is complete then select the Set tree version status to active after audit is successfully complete Check Box.

The Tree Version Audit Result table shows a list of validations that ran against the selected tree version.

Validation Details

The following table lists the validators used in the audit process and describes what each validator checks for. It also lists possible causes for validation errors and suggests corrective actions.


Description (what's checked)

Possible Cause for Validation Failure

Suggested Corrective Action

Effective Date

The effective start and end dates of the tree version must be valid.

The effective end date is set to a value that isn't greater than the effective start date.

Modify the effective start and end dates such that the effective start date is earlier than the effective end date.

Root Node

On the Manage Tree Structures: Specify Data Sources page, if the Allow Multiple Root Nodes check box for the Restrict Tree Node List of Values Based on option isn't selected, and if the tree structure isn't empty, the tree version must contain exactly one root node. This validation doesn't take place if the check box is selected.

Even if the check box is deselected, the tree version has multiple root nodes.

Modify the tree version such that there is exactly one root node.

Data Source Maximum Depth

For each data source in the tree structure, on the Data Source dialog box, if the data source is depth-limited, the data in the tree version must adhere to the specified depth limit. This validation doesn't apply to data sources for which the Maximum Depth field is set to Unlimited.

The tree version has data at a depth greater than the specified depth limit on one or more data sources.

Modify the tree version such that all nodes are at a depth that complies with the data source depth limit.

Duplicate Node

On the Data Source dialog box, if the Allow Duplicates check box isn't selected, the tree version must not contain more than one node with the same primary key from the data source. If the check box is selected, duplicate nodes are permitted.

Even when the check box is deselected, the tree version contains duplicate nodes.

Remove any duplicate nodes from the tree version.

Available Node

All nodes in the tree version must be valid and available in the underlying data source.

  • A node in the tree version doesn't exist in the data source. Deleting data items from the data source without removing the corresponding nodes from the tree version can result in orphaned nodes in the tree version. For example, if you added node A into your tree version, and subsequently deleted node A from the data source without removing it from the tree version, the validation fails.

  • The tree version contains a tree reference node, which references another tree version that doesn't exist.

Remove any orphaned nodes from the tree version. Update tree reference nodes so that they reference existing tree versions.

Node Relationship

All nodes must adhere to the relationships mandated by the data sources registered in the tree structure.

The tree structure has data sources arranged in a parent-child relationship, but the nodes in the tree don't adhere to the same parent-child relationship. For example, if the tree structure has a Project data source with a Task data source as its child, Task nodes must always be within Project nodes in the tree version. This validation fails if there are instances where a Project node is added as the child of a Task node.

Modify the tree version such that the nodes adhere to the same parent-child relationships as the data sources.

SetID Restricted Node

On the Manage Tree Structures: Specify Data sources page, if the Set ID check box is selected to enable the Restrict Tree Node List of Values Based on option for each tree node, the underlying node in the data source must belong to the same reference data set as the tree itself. This restriction doesn't apply when the check box isn't selected.

Even when the check box is selected, the tree version has nodes whose data source values belong to a different reference data set than the tree.

Modify the tree version such that all nodes in the tree have data sources with reference data set matching that of the tree.

Label Enabled Node

On the Manage Tree Structures: Specify Data Sources page, if a labeling scheme is specified for the tree structure by selecting a list item from the Labeling Scheme list, all nodes must have labels. This restriction doesn't apply when you select None from the Labeling Scheme list.

The tree structure has a labeling scheme but the tree version has nodes without labels.

Assign a label to any node that doesn't have a label.

Date Restricted Node

On the Manage Tree Structures: Specify Data Sources page, if the Date Range check box is selected to enable the Restrict Tree Node List of Values Based on option for a tree structure, each node in the underlying data source must have an effective date range same as the effective date range of the tree version. This restriction doesn't apply if the check box isn't selected.

Even when the check box is selected, there are data source nodes that have a date range beyond the tree version's effective date range. For example, if the tree version is effective from Jan-01-2012 to Dec-31-2012, all nodes in the tree version must be effective from Jan-01-2012 to Dec-31-2012 at a minimum. It is acceptable for the nodes to be effective for a date range that extends partly beyond the tree version's effective date range (for example, the node data source value is effective from Dec-01-2011 to Mar-31-2013). It isn't acceptable if the nodes are effective for none or only a part of the tree version's effective date range (for example, the node data source value are effective only from Jan-01-2012 to June-30-2012).

Ensure that all nodes in the tree version have effective date range for the effective date range for the tree version.

Multiple Active Tree Version

On the Manage Tree Structures: Specify Definition page, if the Allow Multiple Active Tree Versions check box isn't selected for the tree structure, there must not be more than one active tree version for a tree at any time. This restriction doesn't apply if the check box is selected.

Even when the check box isn't selected, there is more than one active tree version in the tree for the same date range.

Set no more than one tree version to Active within the same date range and set the others to inactive or draft status.

Range Based Node

On the Data Source dialog box, if the Allow Range Children check box isn't selected, range-based nodes aren't permitted from that data source. This restriction doesn't apply if the check box is selected.

Even when the check box isn't selected, there are range-based nodes from a data source.

Ensure that any range nodes in your tree version are from a data source that allows range children.

Terminal Node

On the Data Source dialog box, if the Allow Use as Leaves check box isn't selected, values from that data source can't be added as leaves (terminal nodes) to the tree version. This restriction doesn't apply if the check box is selected.

Even when the check box isn't selected, values from a data source are added as leaf nodes (terminal nodes).

Modify the tree version such that all terminal nodes are from data sources for which this check box is selected.

Usage Limit

On the Data Source dialog box, if the Use All Values option is selected to set the Usage Limit for the data source, every value in the data source must appear as a node in the tree. This restriction doesn't apply if None option is selected.

Even if the Use All Values option is selected, there are values in the data source that aren't in the tree version.

For each data source value that isn't yet available, add nodes to the tree version.