Writing Assistant

Writing Assistant is a tool that provides suggestions for a manager when writing comments or feedback for a worker's competency or rating level during performance evaluation.

Writing Assistant suggests statements associated with competencies and proficiency levels within those competencies, to help describe a worker's observed and wanted actions. The Writing Assistant data is displayed in the form of feedback suggestions and development tips. Use Actions > Open Writing Assistant Excel Template on the Item Catalogs page in the Profiles work area to generate the spreadsheet for uploading writing assistant data.

Requirements for Using Writing Assistant Data

Here's how you use the Writing Assistant tool:
  • HR specialists upload data associated with a competency using an application-generated spreadsheet
  • Managers select a proficiency level for a competency
  • Managers view suggested comments for the selected proficiency level or for the competency as a whole
  • Managers can copy and edit the suggested comments
Did you know that the application enables suggestions only for competencies that have a rating?