Enable the Exit Functionality

The exit functionality allows the digital assistant to end a conversation with a candidate smoothly when they want to exit a specific task. This functionality is available with the CE V2 skill. However, if you're extending the skill, you need to enable this feature again.

Follow these steps to enable it in your digital assistant:
  1. In Oracle Digital Assistant, click Navigator to open the hamburger menu, and then select Development > Digital Assistants.
  2. Enter the name of the Candidate Experience digital assistant in the search box.
  3. Select your digital assistant.
  4. From the digital assistant's side menu, click the Settings icon.
  5. Click the Configurations tab.
  6. In the System Intents Mapping section, set these parameters:
    • Digital Assistant Custom Exit Skill: Specify the name of your CE V2 skill.
    • Digital Assistant Custom Exit Flow/State: Select exitCurrentIntent.