View Job Applications

The Recruiting team can view all the applications submitted for a specific requisition.

If the hiring team wants to look into the requisition or application, they can do so using the deep link provided with the requisition and application.

Intended user: Hiring team

Sample phrases you can use:

  • View all job applications
  • View job information
  • Show job applications
  • Applications for a requisition
  • Application for a job
  • How many applications
  • How many applicants
  • Job applications
  • Show me all applications
  • Show me all applicants
  • Show job applications
  • Show me job applications
  • View applications
  • View job applications
  • Show submissions

Sample synonyms/words: applications, applicants

Things to note: Users need to sign in, authenticate to gain access, and view the required information. If they don't have proper permissions assigned to the role, they can't view the requested information.