Create Derived Factors for FMLA

You must set up certain derived factors for Family Medical and Leave Act (FMLA) qualification rules.

Here's how to create derived factors for:

  • 12-month length of service

  • 1,250 number of hours worked

Note: This example assumes that you have previously defined a balance named FMLA Hours Worked that tracks FMLA hours. For further info, see Define Balances for FMLA Hours Worked in the Help Center.

Length of Service

To define the length of service:
  1. From My Client Groups, click Absences.

  2. Click Derived Factors.

  3. Click Length of Service.

  4. Click Create.

  5. Enter FMLA Length of Service as the name.

  6. Select Months as the unit of measure.

  7. Enter 12 in Greater than or Equal to Length of Service.

  8. Select Date of Hire as the period start date rule.

  9. Select As of event date as determination rule.

  10. Click Save and Close.

Hours Worked

To define the balance of hours worked:
  1. From My Client Groups, click Absences.

  2. Click Derived Factors.

  3. Click Hours Worked.

  4. Enter FMLA Hours Worked as the name.

  5. Select Defined Balance as the source.

  6. Select the FMLA Hours Worked balance as the defined balance.

  7. Enter 1250 in Greater than or Equal to Hours Worked.

  8. Select End of Previous Year as the determination rule.

  9. Click Save and Close.