Translate Payroll Flow Names

Search and view a user-defined flow in the native language of your choice, irrespective of which language the flow was initially created.

Use the Translation Editor icon on the Flow Pattern setup page to translate the name of a user-defined flow. Translate the flow name in each language displayed on the Edit Translations page and save the record. Optionally, you can also enter the description of the flow in each of the displayed languages.
Note: The Translation Editor is available only for user-defined flows.

If you override a predefined flow in an LDG and select the Submitting User check box, the overridden predefined flow thus created can only be found in your native language, that is, the language of the user who created the flow. For example, if a US user overrides a predefined flow, and then if another US user signs in, they can search and find the flow. However, a French user can't perform a search and find this overridden predefined flow in the flow setup page.

However, if you use the Translation Editor and translate the name of the overridden predefined flow to all the listed languages, including French, then a French user can sign in and find the flow.

If you don’t translate the flow name, a user signing in with his or her native language, which is different from your native language, can't find the flow.
Note: If you plan to migrate the flow, you must first migrate the flow, and then translate the flow name in the destination environment.
Complete these steps to ensure that a user can search and find a user-defined flow in their native language.
  1. Use the Translation Editor icon on the flow setup page to translate the name of a user-defined in all the installed languages.
  2. Navigate to My Client Groups > Payroll > Payroll Flow Patterns.
  3. Select the Legislative Data Group and search for the archive-based report task, for example, Run Payroll Register Report flow. You can also search for a flow that includes this report task.
  4. Click Edit.

  5. Under the Tasks tab, select the report task, and click the Edit.

  6. Select the Submitting User check box. Click Save and Close.

When you submit the flow or report, the translated report output meets all the translation requirements in the standard output formats of the report, such as MS Excel, PDF, and XML. The MS Excel output displays the data as text.