How You Endorse a Skill

Endorsements help recognize a person's skills and talent positively. Use the Endorsements page to see endorsements you receive and to endorse others.

You can endorse your peers for an existing skill or a new skill. In both cases, the endorsed skill is added to the person's skill profile.

As an employee, you can access your endorsements from Me > Personal Brand > Endorsements. As a line manager, you can access your team endorsements from My Team > Personal Brand > Team Skills.

Employee Endorsements

When you endorse a peer, the endorsed skill appears in their list of interpersonal or specialized skills. To endorse people other than peers, you search for the person's name, add the skill, and endorse them.

Manager Endorsements

You endorse direct reports by taking into account their skills, results from meeting surveys, and compliance scores over a period of time.