Calculated Time

Rules linked to time cards generate calculated time according to your organization's time policies. For example, rules automatically allocate your reported time among cost segments, such as different departments, programs, or funds.

Here are some more examples:

  • You report start and stop times that closely match your scheduled shift start and stop times, such as 8:00a to 5:00p. A calculation rule generates two duration entries: 8 hours at your regular pay and 1 hour as an unpaid meal.
  • You report start and stop times of 8:00a to 1:00p and 2:00p to 7:00p at your regular pay. A calculation rule generates two duration entries: 8 hours at your regular pay and 2 hours at 1.5 times your regular pay.

Time Totals at the Top of Responsive Time Cards

To see the time totals, click Show Details.

  • The total for calculated hours doesn’t reflect any changes to reported time until you click Calculate.
  • The scheduled hours come from your current schedule or work hours, whichever applies. No calculations apply to the scheduled hours, so the reported and calculated scheduled hours are the same.
  • The schedule deviation is the difference between your reported and scheduled hours, in an absolute value. This means that if the deviation is +3 or -3, the value in the Reported column is 3.
  • The calculated absence hours don’t reflect any changes resulting from changes in reported absence hours until you click Calculate.