How You Transfer Time Data to Global Payroll

A global payroll administrator transfers approved payroll time data to payroll using the Load Time Card Batches or Transfer Time Cards from Time and Labor process.

The transfer process lets you better identify the time cards to include. Use optional parameters for the selected legislative data group, such as time card from and to dates, HCM group, payroll relationship, person, or payroll. Here are two configuration examples:

  • Use the flow from and to dates to include all time cards with periods that end between those dates. If the from date is June 1, 2022 and the to date is June 30, 2022, the transfer includes all time cards with periods that end in June. A time card period that starts in May 2022 and ends June 1, 2022 would also get included.

    To transfer all time entries up to today, but not after today, that are marked ready for transfer, leave the From Date blank. In the To Date field, select today's date.

  • Use the filter mode to include all time cards for the specified people. The selected filer mode populates the corresponding parameter drop-down list. For example, if you select the HCM Group filter mode, in the HCM Group drop-down list, you see all active HCM groups. If you open the Person drop-down list, you don't see any options. If you change the filter mode to Person, the Person drop-down list gets populated. You don't see any groups in the HCM Groups drop-down list.

If you set from and to dates and a filter, the transfer includes only time cards with appropriate end dates, for the specified people or person.

You can troubleshoot transfer issues in the Time Management work areas, on the Overview page.

  • Review the time entries that didn't transfer in the Resolve Time Cards with Transfer Failures section.
  • Review the processes that failed or ended abruptly in the Incomplete Time Transfer Processes section.

    1. The payroll administrator notifies you of any failed process.
    2. You reset the status of time data that didn't transfer to Unprocessed.
    3. The transfer process retrieves the unprocessed time data the next time the payroll administrator runs it.