Options for Time and Labor Managers to Manage Time Events and Entries

To see geolocation information for time reported with Web Clock, you use the Time Events page. You can also review any exceptions or issues with time reported using collection devices using the Time Events and Time Entries pages.

For example, someone needs to leave an hour early on Tuesday. Instead of taking personal time off, they get your approval to work an hour later on Monday or start an hour early on Tuesday. The reported start and end times generate validation exceptions that you need to review and allow.

To see the physical addresses for the recorded geolocations, add the Geolocation Address column on the Time Events page. The column continues to appear every time you come to the page, until you remove it. To see the geolocation addresses for any geolocations that don’t’ have it, on the Actions menu, select Generate Geolocation Addresses. You need to do this every time you get new geolocation information since the last time you generated the addresses.

You manage any exceptions or issues for the time device events and their corresponding time entries in the Time Management work area. Use the Time Entries and Time Events tasks.

Generate Time Events and Entries Processes

You can also generate multiple time events and entries, as needed. For example:

  • Your people use a time collection device to sign in and out. The device goes down one evening and they can't sign out. You use the Generate Time Events process to generate the missing stop time event. The next time the Generate Time Cards from Time Collection Device process runs, it completes the existing time card entry. It adds the new Out event to the earlier In event.
  • Your people use a time collection device to sign in and out. The device goes down one day and they can't sign in or out. You use the Generate Time Entries process to generate the missing start and stop time entries. The next time the Generate Time Cards from Time Collection Device process runs, it creates the corresponding entries on the time cards.

To open the corresponding process page, click the Generate button on the Time Entries or Time Events page.