How You Configure Settings for Volunteering Features

Use the Settings task in the volunteering administration work area to add and update the volunteering features that appear on the employee Volunteering page.

You can also schedule the Employer Identification Number (EIN) validation run from this page to help review organizations submitted for your approval.

User Agreement

Specify the terms and conditions that employees will review and accept as part of the registration process.

Photo Approval

Administrators need to approve the photos that are submitted for a completed project before they can be displayed on the project details page. You can enable or disable the photo release agreement to make changes to the terms and conditions. If you enable this setting, volunteers need to agree to the terms and conditions before they upload photos.


Add a cause other than those already specified to meet your organization's requirements. A new cause that you add appears in the Select Causes list for employee preferences.

EIN Validation

Schedule the EIN validation run to either On or Off. When enabled, the EINs of organizations submitted for approval are validated against the list of EINs in the IRS website. If you don't want to use the scheduled validation run, use Validate Now to perform an immediate validation.


Enable integration with Oracle CrowdTwist to configure reward programs for volunteering projects. After you enable the integration, use Oracle CrowdTwist Control Center to manage the reward program. If a volunteering project has points associated, volunteers who register for it can earn points when they complete the activity. They can then redeem the points for rewards.