Register for a Volunteering Project

As an employee, you register as a volunteer for a volunteering project from the Project Details page.

After you identify a volunteering project, for which you want to volunteer:

  1. Click the Project Name to go to the Project Details page.

  2. View the details regarding the start date and description

  3. Click Volunteer. A confirmation message displays.

You can register for a volunteering project even if the capacity is full by registering and opting to be on the waitlist. When space becomes available, you will receive a confirmation. You can cancel your registration any time by withdrawing from the volunteering project.

Registering as Project Lead

When you register for a volunteering project, if the project has project lead position available, then you can opt to be the project lead. If you volunteer as a project lead, you have the additional task of coordinating volunteering activities, sending email blasts, and distributing T-shirts and certificates. You can cancel your registration any time by withdrawing from the volunteering project or you could withdraw only as project lead but continue as volunteer on the project.