Configure Wellness Coaching

Administrators can easily configure and manage the Wellness Coaching feature from the Employee Wellness page. To access this page, click Employee Wellness under the Benefits Administration tab, and click the Coaching tile.

Coaching Settings

To enable or disable the coaching feature click Edit and use the Enable Coaching check box in the Coaching Settings section. Similarly, you can assign a coach automatically to employees who submit a coaching request using Enable Automatic Matching check box in the same section. Click Save after making changes. If automatic matching isn't enabled, you can see all the pending requests for coaches, organized by topic under the Unassigned Users section. You'll need to manually assign a coach for each request.


The Coaches section in the Coaching tile displays the list of all Wellness coaches. To add a new coach, click Add in the Coaches section. Select a name and a coaching topic in the Add Coach page. Click Save and Close. To remove a coach, click Delete for the particular coach.

You can add new topics, approve pending requests, and unassign users who were previously assigned to an existing wellness coach using the edit button in the Coaches section.

Coaching Topics

The Coaching Topics section lists wellness topics for which you can seek help from a coach. To add a new topic, click Add in the Coaching Topics section. You've the option to either select an existing topic from a drop-down list or enter a new topic. Click Save and Close.