Behavior of Position Override

The Position Override step is displayed when you select the business unit and the position in Redwood employment processes. Here we will learn about how it behaves in different scenarios.

Behavior of Position Override Step in Different Scenarios For Redwood Employment Update Processes

This table lists the behavior of the Position Override step in different scenarios.

Scenario Applies To Application Behavior of Position Override Step
No position selected in When and why step. All update processes except Promote and Change Position Position Override step isn't shown.
Position is selected in When and why step and there's no change in position but there's change in the existing position details in the Position Details step. Promote and Change Position Position Override step is shown and you can default the attributes based on position synchronization setup. The attributes show the updated values from the Position Details step.
Position is selected in When and why step and there's no change in position. All update processes Position Override step is shown and you can default the attributes based on position synchronization setup.
Position is selected in When and why step and there's a change in position. All update processes Position Override step is shown and you can default the attributes based on position synchronization setup.
Position is selected in When and why step and there's no change in position but the position was modified in the standalone page and position synchronization isn't configured. All update processes Position Override step is shown with the latest attributes. The check boxes are deselected. If you select a particular change row then only that position value is defaulted to the assignment.
User crosses the Assignment step. All update processes This step won't appear in the step navigation.
After reaching the Assignment step user revisits the When and why step and removes the position. All update processes except Promote and Change Position Position Override step isn't shown and assignment changes are retained.
After reaching the Assignment step user revisits the When and why step and selects a position (If previously null). All update processes except Promote and Change Position Position Override step is shown and you can default the attributes based on position synchronization setup. The assignment changes are retained except the changes impacted by the position change.
After reaching the Assignment step user revisits the When and why step and changes the position. All update processes Position Override step is shown and you can default the attributes based on position synchronization setup. The assignment changes are retained except the changes impacted by the position change.
After reaching the Assignment step if the user revisits the Position Details step and updates the existing position details. Promote and Change Position Position Override step is shown and you can default the attributes based on position synchronization setup. The assignment changes should be retained except the changes impacted by the position change.

Edit by Approver

All the above scenarios are valid for edit by approver with the following deviation:

Scenario Applies To Application Behavior of Position Override Step
Approver doesn't change the position. All update processes This step won't appear in the step navigation.

Behavior of Position Override Step in Different Scenarios For Add Assignment

This table lists the behavior of the Position Override step in different scenarios for Add Assignment process.

Scenario Position Selected in Source Assignment Position Synchronization Configuration Allow Override at Assignment Setting Copy Data from Source Assignment Setting Expected Behavior
User launches Add Assignment Yes Yes No Yes The Position override step appears in read-only mode with the synchronized attributed selected.
User launches Add Assignment and selects a position No Yes No Yes The Position override step appears in read-only mode with the synchronized attributes selected.
User launches Add Assignment and selects a position N/A Yes No No The Position override step should appear in read only mode. With the synced attributes selected.
User launches Add Assignment and doesn’t change the position Yes Yes Yes Yes The Position override step is enabled and attributes to be synchronized (defaulted) from the step are deselected.
User launches Add Assignment and changes the position Yes Yes Yes Yes The Position override step is enabled and attributes to be synchronized (defaulted) from the step are selected.
User launches the Add Assignment and selects a position No No N/A Yes The Position override step is enabled and attributes to be synchronized (defaulted) from the step are selected.
User launches Add Assignment and doesn’t change the position N/A No N/A No The Position override step is enabled and attributes to be synchronized (defaulted) from the step are deselected.