Hours-Based Seniority Calculation

These dates impact the seniority calculation for an hours-based rule:

  • Seniority process run date

  • Attribute end date

  • Seniority end date

Seniority Process Run Date

The date on which the Calculate Seniority Dates process was run is used in the seniority-hours calculation. The process calculates the seniority dates for workers based on the seniority rules configured in the application.

Attribute End Date

If there's a change in the attribute or level at which the seniority rule is configured, the attribute end date is used in the calculation. For example, let's say the rule is configured for job attribute and assignment level, and a worker has a job change. The job end date of the first job will be used in the seniority date calculation.

Seniority End Date

This date is used in the calculation if there's an effective-dated update on the seniority rule. For example let's say an effected-dated adjustment resulted in a new row being added for a seniority rule. The seniority end date of the previously existing row is calculated as: Start date of the newly added row - 1 day.

Note: The calculations are valid when the attribute end date or the seniority end date isn't set to a null or to the end of time (12-31-4712).

Seniority Date Calculation

Here's how the seniority date for the hours-based rule is calculated.

  1. Get the minimum date from these dates: Calculate Seniority Dates process run date, attribute end date, and seniority end date.

  2. Reduce the length of service from the minimum date.

  3. Add one day to the resulting date value in step 2.