How do I unlock a worker’s employment record?

A worker’s employment record is locked when there are transactions pending approval. In this example, you unlock a worker's employment record to update his manager information.

This process involves these changes:

  • Finding the transaction ID using Conflicting Transaction Details diagnostic.
  • Searching for the pending transaction in the Transaction Console.
  • Completing the transaction.

Let's look at the steps to unlock a worker's employment record.

Find Pending Approval Transaction ID

  1. On your home page, click the Settings and Actions icon.
  2. Click Run Diagnostics Tests in the Troubleshooting area.
  3. Enter Conflicting Transaction Details in the Test Name field and click Search.
  4. In the search results section, select the test name check box and click Add to Run.
  5. Click the Click to Supply or Edit Input Parameters icon under the Input Status column in the Choose Tests to Run and Supply Inputs section.
  6. In the Input Parameters dialog box, enter the person number in the Person Number field and click OK.
  7. Provide a unique run name in the Run Name box in the Choose Tests to Run and Supply Inputs section.
  8. Click Run.
  9. Click OK in the Test Run Submitted dialog box.
  10. Click the Display Latest Test Run Status Information icon in the Diagnostic Test Run Status section and expand the folder.
  11. Click the View Test Results icon.
  12. On the Conflicting Transaction Details page, click the hyperlink.
  13. Click the report name in the Recent Downloads dialog box.
  14. Open the report and make a note of the Transaction ID and Submitted On date.

Search Pending Transaction in Transaction Console

  1. On your home page, click the Navigator> Tools > Transaction Console.
  2. On the Transaction Manager: Transactions page, click the Settings icon.
  3. Select Configure for Self.
  4. On the Personalize Saved Search: Default Criteria menu, scroll down and select the Transaction ID check box.
  5. Click Save.
  6. In the Transaction ID field, enter the transaction ID you noted earlier.
  7. Click the Search icon.
  8. Click the Transactions From drop down list.

By default, the summary page is set to search for and display the last 3 months’ transactions. If the submitted date of the transaction you are searching for is more than 3 months, then use the Transactions From drop down menu and select the appropriate value.

Complete the Transaction

Transactions in Failed, Draft, or In Progress status can be terminated. If a transaction is pending for approval, you can get it approved. In this example, the transaction is in a failed state, hence, we will terminate it.

  1. Select the check box in the transaction row.
  2. Click the Actions menu and select Terminate Process.
  3. Click Done in the Status of Terminate Process Action dialog box.

The pending transaction will be terminated and the employment record of the worker is released for further employment related updates. You can now update the manager information for the worker.