Overview of Connections

Use Connections to search for colleagues across functions and departments and find information about them. The application enables you to build work relationships, engage, and collaborate better with your coworkers.

With Connections, you can:
  • Search and find coworkers quickly. Browse and filter search results easily using Oracle Search.
  • View a coworker’s profile for information like work location and time zone to schedule meetings.
  • Add information about yourself in your profile for your coworkers to know and collaborate better with you.
  • Use Favorites to mark people that you interact with often, or to build a network of people to help achieve your career objectives.
  • See people’s assignments, interests, and expertise to discover what you have in common with them. If a person has multiple assignments, you’ll see multiple search results and view the assignment details in their profile.
  • View a coworker’s organization chart to understand their role and how they relate within their organization structure.
  • Provide feedback to your coworkers and view feedback given to them by others depending on your role.