Process to Calculate Seniority Dates

Use the Calculate Seniority Dates process to calculate the seniority dates for workers based on the seniority rules configured in the application. Use the Scheduled Processes work area to schedule and run the process.

  • Even if you have enabled audit for seniority dates, the dates aren't audited when they are updated by the Calculate Seniority Dates process.
  • Seniority dates aren't calculated for work relationships and assignments that start in the future.

Process Parameters

  • Person Number: This parameter filters the person numbers which are to be included in the ESS process for processing. You can run this process for more than one person by entering the person numbers separated by commas. For example, use this format: Person Number 1,Person Number 2,Person Number 3. Don't enter leading or trailing space, or special characters. If you want to run this process for all persons, don't enter any value.
  • Past Period in Days: This parameter indicates the last period in days in which the data is changed for the person. The parameter scans these tables to find any data changes:
    The parameter analyzes the LAST_UPDATE_DATE column of these tables and compares it with the days passed in the parameter for processing.
    Note: Workers who have no changes to their assignment, grade step, or seniority hours in the past period in days are excluded from the calculation. But you can recalculate seniority for a specific worker using the Recalculate Seniority option on the Manage Seniority Dates page.
  • Include Terminated Work Relationships: This parameter checks the status of the work relationship. If you pass the value Y as the parameter, the process will include terminated work relationships for calculating seniority dates. When you modify the data in an inactive work relationship and pass the value N, the application won't process the assignments in this work relationship. You notice this behavior even though the assignment records are modified in the past N days.
  • Include Complete Assignment History: This parameter completely refreshes the version 3 (V3) seniority dates for the persons selected based on the values passed for other parameters. When you select this parameter, the application checks the complete assignment history of persons and recalculates their V3 seniority dates. For example, this parameter can be used to calculate the cumulative seniority dates for rehires.
  • Legal Employer: This parameter filters the person records based on the legal employer specified.
  • Union: his parameter filters the person records based on the union specified.
  • Available Seniority Date Rules: This parameter filters the seniority dates rules for which the ESS process needs to be run. If we pass the parameter as null, the ESS process will run for all the active rules in the application.

Process Frequency

It’s recommended that you run the Calculate Seniority Dates process regularly. Here’s the recommended schedule:
  • Daily: Schedule the process to run daily by setting the value of the Past Period in Days parameter as 1 day.
  • Weekly: Schedule the process to run weekly by setting the value of the Past Period in Days parameter as 7 days.
  • Quarterly: Schedule the process to run quarterly by setting the value of the Past Period in Days parameter as 1500 days.
  • Ad hoc: Run the process before important events in the organization, such as Promotion Cycle, Performance Cycle, and Annual Compensation Cycle.
Note: The recommended guidelines are generic. You must determine the process schedule based on the business process and worker population in your organization.