Review Your Personal Information

You can review and quickly update your personal information including addresses, emergency contacts, pay details, compensation, and benefit details. Use this procedure to review and update your personal information.

  1. On the Home page, click Me > Personal Information.

  2. On the Personal Details page, click Edit to update your contact information and mailing address. The address components are validated as per the geography validation and are completed automatically based on the ZIP code selection.

  3. Click the Employment Info tab to view your employment history.

    Note: You can only see information for your current assignment. For example, if you have been rehired, you can't see information for your past assignments (before the rehire). Only an HR Administrator has access to your past assignments.
  4. Click the Document Records tab to add or modify your documents, such as certificates, and so on.

  5. Click the Identification Info tab to view your visas and licenses.

  6. Click the Contact Info tab to add or change your phone, email, and address..

  7. Click the Family and Emergency Contacts tab to add or change the people to be contacted in case of emergency,

  8. Click the My Compensation tab to view your salary information.

  9. Click Save and Close.