Synchronize Assignment Flexfields From Position Flexfields

You map position flexfields with assignment flexfields using the Manage Assignment Flexfields Mapping task in the Functional Setup Manager.

Use the task to map assignment descriptive flexfield segments to position descriptive flexfield segments. Synchronizing mapped flexfields includes the following steps:

  1. Define flexfield mapping

  2. Enabling flexfield synchronization

  3. Synchronizing assignment flexfields from position flexfields

Define Flexfield Mapping

To map flexfields, follow these steps.

  1. In the Functional Setup Manager, click the Manage Assignment Flexfields Mapping task.

  2. Specify the following information.



    Source Context

    The context for the position descriptive flexfield. If you want to map a global position flexfield segment, leave the source context blank

    Source Segment

    The position descriptive flexfield segment of the selected context or the global segment if the context was left blank

    Destination Context

    The context for the assignment descriptive flexfield you want to map the position flexfield to. If you want to map it to a global assignment flexfield segment, leave the destination context blank.

    Destination Segment

    The assignment descriptive flexfield segment of the selected assignment context or the global segment if the context was left blank.

    Enterprise Configuration: Enable Position Synchronization

    Specify whether you want to use this flexfield mapping for position synchronization for the enterprise. Leave this field blank if the flexfield mapping applies to a specific legal employer.

    Legal Employer Configuration: Legal Employer

    Use this option if the flexfield mapping doesn't apply to the enterprise. You can select multiple legal employers. Select the legal employer.

    Legal Employer Configuration: Enable Position Synchronization

    Specify whether you want to use this flexfield mapping for position synchronization for the selected legal employer.

  3. Add more mappings as required and specify information described in step 2 for each row.

  4. Save the mapping.

Enabling Flexfield Synchronization

To enable flexfield synchronization, follow these steps.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, click the Manage Enterprise HCM Informationtask to enable the setting for the enterprise, or click the Manage Legal Entity HCM Information task to enable the setting for a specific legal entity.

  2. Click Edit and select Update.

  3. Select the Enable Position Synchronization and Synchronize Mapped Flexfields check boxes in the Position Synchronization Configuration section.

  4. Click Submit.

Synchronizing Assignment Flexfields from Position Flexfields

To synchronize assignment flexfields from position flexfields, follow these steps.

  1. In the Navigator, click Scheduled Processes.

  2. Click Schedule New Process.

  3. Run the Synchronize Person Assignments from Positions process.